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Specialty Areas

  • Visualisation Technology: Big data visualisation; cultural visualisation; visualisation with exotic devices; data analysis; interactive 3D environments; new interactive modalities
  • Media Technology: media technology in the field of digital interactive TV broadcasting; computer graphics; multimedia; motion picture production; ambient (ubiquitous) computation; social media; digital games
  • HCI , Consumer Experience, and Digital Humanities: research of emotional computation; human-computer-interaction aspects, particularly in pervasive computation and urban informatics applications; Quality of Experience (QoE) aspects; new ways of interactivity
  • Pervasive (Ubiquitous) Computation: contribution to the field by the development of ambient media as concept from a media study, media technology, and pervasive computation point of view; management of contextual metadata; semantic computation; emotional computation; service development
  • Media Management, Business, and Information Systems: significant contributions to innovation studies; media convergence; crowd phenomena such as crowdfunding and idea sourcing in a corporate context; Big data in the context of sentiment analysis of unstructured textual information for financial services; marketing of gaming SMEs  to an international market
  • Interactive Content Production, Services and Art: digital content production of interactive applications; content production technology for film and TV; digital workflows in content production.


  • Multimedia and media technology
  • AR/VR/XR
  • Entertainment computing
  • Human factors and interaction design
  • Data visualization
  • Ubiquitous media, especially ambient intelligence
  • Human-computer-interaction
  • LATELY: AI/ML in multimedia/interaction design

The cornerstones of Artur’s research are:

  1. cross-disciplinarily  – the way the dialogue between humanities, technology, science, and business leads to novel inventions and discoveries tagged with potential business models
  2. non-focusing – focusing in research is “like closing one’s eyes and wondering where the light is – opening the eyes makes one see the possibilities and solutions around us, discover, remain flexible, and see solutions we would not have otherwise seen” 
  3. creative cybernetic thinking – cybernetic thinking, and committing to not giving up, is one of the drivers that pushes the state of the art  forward – contextual and cybernetic thinking particularly encourages the emergence of new things  
  4. developing theory and context – thinking about the big picture, the larger context, and contributing to larger theories by integrating experimental data, and using critical thinking around existing theories.

Following these four cornerstones, Artur’s research focus is not focused , and is situated somewhere between art and science. He is known for finding solutions for the unthinkable and having visionary ideas which have never been thought of. His work touches the fields of media technology, media management, and media content creation. Artur has investigated digital interactive TV, ambient media (aka ubiquitous/pervasive media), digital motion picture production, information systems in the media industry, new business models in times of a transforming media industry, and the phenomenon of convergence, and he is now exploring visualisation technology.