
Quick Intro

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Artur Lugmayr holds/held multiple roles at different universities globally, and is/has been engaged with Umea University, Sweden since 2020; Curtin University, Australia since 2014; University of Cape Coast, Ghana in 2014; Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia since 2019; in different leadership, reasearch, and teaching roles. He was at the age of 33 one of the youngest appointed professors at the Tampere University (TUNI), Finland specializing in media technology and information systems in media industry between 2009-2014. Prior, he established the New Ambient Multimedia Lab investigating ubiquitous computing and smart media at the Department of Signal Processing at Tampere University (TUNI), Finland between 2004-2009. Artur holds a Dr.-Techn. degree in information technology and is currently pursuing his second doctorate in Dr.-Arts at the Aalto University in Finland. He started his scientific career at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria by completing his Dipl-Ing. degree in computer science specialized in systems theory, simulation, and computer graphics. He was a visiting scientist in Singapore, Brisbane, Austria, and Ghana, and has raised or been involved in 2+ MEUR funded project, wrote over 200 scientific publications, and held numerous keynotes and guest lectures. More about Artur on http://www.artur-lugmayr.com.



  • Multimedia and media technology
  • AR/VR/XR
  • Entertainment computing
  • Human factors and interaction design
  • Data visualization
  • Ubiquitous media, especially ambient intelligence
  • Human-computer-interaction
  • LATELY: AI/ML in multimedia/interaction design


  • Human-Computer-Interaction & Interaction Design
  • Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Augmented Reality, eXtended Reality
  • Data Visualization
  • Multimedia Systems & Media Technology
  • Ambient Intelligence
  • Databases and Multimedia Asset Management
  • Media Business & Management


2013-        Association for Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group “AIS SIG eMedia” (Founder, President)
2019-        ACM local CHI chapter in WA, Australia (Founder, Chair)
2011-        International Ambient Media Association (iAMEA) (Founder, Chair)
2010-        IFIP TC 14 for Entertainment Computing (Australian/Finnish Country Representative)
2014-        IEEE IG MENIG (Co-Chair)
2013-2017 ACM TVX steering board (Member)
2005-2013 EuroITV steering board (Member)
2004-2014 MindTrek Association (Steering Board Member)
2005-2014 Academic MindTrek (Founder, Chair)
2007         NeoTV Lab (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (International Advisor)
2003-2004 ISO/IEC SC29 WG 11 MPEG “MPEG-21 in Broadcasting” (Founder, Chair)


2017 – Curtin Commercial Innovation Award (“UX-Machine to Analyse Human Emotions”)
2014 – SIG “eMedia” awarded as outstanding by the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
2008 – ELISA award for the textbook “Ambient Media and Beyond”,
2007 – special mention, ELISA Ubimedia Award at MindTrek for the open source Portable Personality (P2)
2003 – Nokia Award of 2003 with his textbook “Digital Interactive TV and Metadata – Future Broadcast Multimedia” by Springer