
All About Me

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Artur Lugmayr holds/held multiple roles at different universities globally, and is/has been engaged with Umea University, Sweden since 2020; Curtin University, Australia since 2014; University of Cape Coast, Ghana in 2014; Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia since 2019; in different leadership, research, and teaching roles. He was at the age of 33 one of the youngest appointed professors at the Tampere University (TUNI), Finland specializing in media technology and information systems in media industry between 2009-2014. Prior, he established the New Ambient Multimedia Lab investigating ubiquitous computing and smart media at the Department of Signal Processing at Tampere University (TUNI), Finland between 2004-2009. Artur holds a Dr.-Techn. degree in information technology and is currently pursuing his second doctorate in Dr.-Arts at the Aalto University in Finland. He started his scientific career at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria by completing his Dipl-Ing. degree in computer science specialized in systems theory, simulation, and computer graphics. He was a visiting scientist in Singapore, Brisbane, Austria, and Ghana, and has raised or been involved in 2+ MEUR funded project, wrote over 200 scientific publications, and held numerous keynotes and guest lectures. More about Artur on http://www.artur-lugmayr.com.

Research Interests

  • Multimedia and media technology
  • AR/VR/XR
  • Entertainment computing
  • Human factors and interaction design
  • Data visualization
  • Ubiquitous media, especially ambient intelligence
  • Human-computer-interaction
  • LATELY: AI/ML in multimedia/interaction design

Memberships Awards and Training

Artur won the Curtin Commercial Innovation Award in 2017, with his project “UX-Machine to Analyse Human Emotions”. His Special Interest Group “eMedia” has  been recognized in 2014 as outstanding by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), which he founded and is president of. He won the ELISA award for the textbook “Ambient Media and Beyond”, and received a special mention for his NAMU research group at the ELISA Ubimedia Award at MindTrek in 2007 for the open source Portable Personality (P2) software. Artur won the Nokia Award of 2003 with his textbook “Digital Interactive TV and Metadata – Future Broadcast Multimedia” published by Springer-Verlag in 2004. Artur founded the Academic MindTrek Conference series in Tampere, Finland (which he organised as general chair between 2007 and 2014), the Semantic Ambient Media (SAME) workshop series, the Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award series, the EuroITV Grand Challenge series, and the Interactive Digital TV in Emerging Economies workshop series.

He organised the Academic MindTrek Conference for seven years, as well as the EuroITV conference in Tampere in 2010. He is also the publisher and founder of the open access journal and series entitled International Series on Information Systems and Management in Media Industry (ISMMI). He acted as a reviewer, committee member and editorial board member for several publishers and journals, such as SERC Press, Wiley & Sons, IGI-Global, Springer-Verlag, IEEE, Inderscience, and the International Journal on Media Management. He was also part of the review and committees of several conferences, such as ACM-MM, AmI, ICEC, MobileCHI, ICME, EuroITV, NordiCHI, UIC, MMEDIA, Interact, uxTV, ACM-CHI, EBRF, IEEE-IE, VC, PDP. In future, Artur will only be accepting committee positions when he knows the organisers. He has organised 8+ international conferences, 20+ international workshops at conferences, held 13+ conference tutorials, organised 6+ media awards, edited 6+ books, and edited 12+ special issues.

Scientific Community

Artur has held lectures and talks at Univ. Salzburg (Austria), Aalto University (Finland), Harvard Medical School (USA), Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Federal University of Amazonas (Brazil), Management Center (MCI) (Austria), University of Neuchatel (Switzerland), Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany), Xi’an  (China), Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, USA), Infocomm Development Authority (Singapore), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), and the Academy of Arts (San Francisco, USA).

He founded and chairs the

He is active member of

He has previously been an active member of the

  • 2013-2017: ACM TVX steering board
  • 2005-2013: EuroITV steering board
  • 2004-2014: MindTrek Association and the Academic MindTrek steering board,
  • 2007: International Advisor for the NeoTV Lab (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and was
  • 2003-2004: founder/chair of the ISO/IEC SC29 WG 11 MPEG “MPEG-21 in Broadcasting”.  

While his studies at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) he was elected head of the student guild (Studienrichtungsvertretung) for 4 years.

Teaching Areas

  • Human-Computer-Interaction & Interaction Design
  • Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Augmented Reality, eXtended Reality
  • Data Visualization
  • Multimedia Systems & Media Technology
  • Ambient Intelligence
  • Databases and Multimedia Asset Management
  • Media Business & Management

One of Artur’s passions is teaching, and his vision is to “engage and fascinate students, and provide the very best service for students”. He hopes to also offer good advice for their future pathways, which might help them in the future, especially if they want to join the academic community. He is currently establishing the Visualisation Technologies MSc./BSc. course at Curtin University in Australia. He has also been teaching and helping the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, with the Association of Academics without Borders Canada (AAWBC) within their PhD teaching curriculum building. He previously established the Digital Media Management major study program at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland. His previous courses at universities are crossovers between the fields of humanities, technology, and business: business/management/IS in media industries, ubiquitous and pervasive computation, digital games, intelligent/smart media, computer graphics/VR/AR, digital television, mass media, and mass communication. Currently he is supervising four PhD theses, and since 2000 he has supervised/examined 6+ PhD thesis, 26+ MSc theses, 7+ BSc theses, and 40+ student projects.

Research Interests

The cornerstones of Artur’s research are:

  1. cross-disciplinarily  – the way the dialogue between humanities, technology, science, and business leads to novel inventions and discoveries tagged with potential business models
  2. non-focusing – focusing in research is “like closing one’s eyes and wondering where the light is – opening the eyes makes one see the possibilities and solutions around us, discover, remain flexible, and see solutions we would not have otherwise seen” 
  3. creative cybernetic thinking – cybernetic thinking, and committing to not giving up, is one of the drivers that pushes the state of the art  forward – contextual and cybernetic thinking particularly encourages the emergence of new things  
  4. developing theory and context – thinking about the big picture, the larger context, and contributing to larger theories by integrating experimental data, and using critical thinking around existing theories.

Following these four cornerstones, Artur’s research focus is not focused , and is situated somewhere between art and science. He is known for finding solutions for the unthinkable and having visionary ideas which have never been thought of. His work touches the fields of media technology, media management, and media content creation. Artur has investigated digital interactive TV, ambient media (aka ubiquitous/pervasive media), digital motion picture production, information systems in the media industry, new business models in times of a transforming media industry, and the phenomenon of convergence, and he is now exploring visualisation technology. 

Specialty Areas

  • Visualisation Technology: Big data visualisation; cultural visualisation; visualisation with exotic devices; data analysis; interactive 3D environments; new interactive modalities
  • Media Technology: media technology in the field of digital interactive TV broadcasting; computer graphics; multimedia; motion picture production; ambient (ubiquitous) computation; social media; digital games
  • HCI , Consumer Experience, and Digital Humanities: research of emotional computation; human-computer-interaction aspects, particularly in pervasive computation and urban informatics applications; Quality of Experience (QoE) aspects; new ways of interactivity
  • Pervasive (Ubiquitous) Computation: contribution to the field by the development of ambient media as concept from a media study, media technology, and pervasive computation point of view; management of contextual metadata; semantic computation; emotional computation; service development
  • Media Management, Business, and Information Systems: significant contributions to innovation studies; media convergence; crowd phenomena such as crowdfunding and idea sourcing in a corporate context; Big data in the context of sentiment analysis of unstructured textual information for financial services; marketing of gaming SMEs  to an international market
  • Interactive Content Production, Services and Art: digital content production of interactive applications; content production technology for film and TV; digital workflows in content production.

Invited Keynotes & Talks

  • Artur Lugmayr. Serious Storytelling – A New Idea for eMedia?, Research Seminar at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 30th October 2014, Joensuu, Finland
  • Artur Lugmayr. Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing. World Usability Day Slovenia, Ljubljana, 25th-28th November 2013, http://www.ltfe.org/wud-2013/
  • Latest Trends in Media-Business & and Media-Technology (Towards Ambient Media). MyLab. Tampere, Finland. Invited company presentation. 7th October 2013
  • Artur Lugmayr. New Interaction Paradigms for Ambient Media, TUT W3C Web Technology, Tampere, Finland 11th September 2013, http://www.w3c.tut.fi/events/2013/0911-techday/index.html
  • Artur Lugmayr. Latest Trends in Media Business and Technology. IEEE Maribor Student Branch, Univ. of Maribor, 28th May 2013
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Opening Lecture: managing creativeness in a research laboratory – lessons learned from establishing NAMU Lab. / EMMi Lab.” eCenter, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University Maribor, Bled, Slovenia, 21st June 2012, opening Lecture. Online. Available: http://­bledconference.org/­public/­conferences/­4/­program/­PlenarySessions/­Plenary_Session_I_Doctoral_Consortium.htm
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Invited Talk: Media business information management and metadata,” W3C Consortium, Finland Office, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), Tampere, Finland, 3rd October 2012, invited talk. Online. Available: http://­www.w3c.tut.fi/­events/­2012/­1003-techday ­
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Invited Talk: eReader and Beyond,” Communication Research Centre (CRC), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 15th June 2012, invited talk. Online. Available: http://­mediafactory.aalto.fi/­?p=1390
  • Artur Lugmayr. Ambient media – a new form of media enabling new ways of interactivity. Keynote, World Usability Day 2011, http://www.worldusabilityday.org/world-usability-day-2011-slovenia,  Slovenia, 10th November 2011.
  • Artur Lugmayr. Ubiqutious culture – is there a new form of media emerging? Keynote, Ubiquity (Seminar 2: Mobile Ubiquity Effects: Communication, Gaming, and Innovation), http://ubiquity.nu/?p=171, Helsinki, 19-21th January 2011.
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Media – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, presentation (invited), freelance journalist meeting, Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), Tampere, Finland, 24th November 2010
  • Artur Lugmayr, and S. Niiranen, “Internationalization of Media Business“, presentation (invited),Junior Chamber Tammerkoski, Tammerkosken Nuorkauppakameri Ry, Tampere, Finland, 4th October 2010
  • Artur Lugmayr, Ambient Media, ICT Consultation on Future Research on Networked Immersive  Media, Brussels, Belgium, http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/netmedia/workshop/ws20090610a_en.html, 24th September 2009
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Connecting the Real World and the Ubiquitous Overlay”, keynote (invited), 1st International Workshop on Events in Multimedia (EiMM09), ACM Multimedia 2009, 23rd October, 2009, Beijing, China, http://www.uni-koblenz.de/confsec/eimm09/
  • Artur Lugmayr, “TV – A Changing Business Environment”, keynote (invited), 4th Nov. 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009, http://www.neotvlab.net/
  • Artur Lugmayr, “How is future TV being prepared”, keynote (invited), 19th Nov. 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008, http://www.nextvlatam.com/latam/agenda.shtml
  • Artur Lugmayr, “TV, Video, Interactivity”, keynote (invited), 20th Nov. 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008, http://www.neotvlab.net/http://www.untref.edu.ar/cpa.htm
  • Artur Lugmayr, „Mobile Ambient Media – Between Human, Art, and Technology”, keynote (invited), 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2008), Linz, Austria, 23rd-26th November, 2008, http://www.iiwas.org/conferences/momm2008/
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Geschichten erzaehlen in HDTV,” talk (invited video keynote) Salzburg, Austria: Salzburger Medientag “Erlebnis HDTV”, 12th September, 2008 http://www.medientag-salzburg.at/.
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Future Trends of Interactive Digital TV, invited seminar speaker,”  IVth Amazon International Fair – FIAM 2008, 10th-13th September, 2008, http://www.suframa.gov.br/fiam.
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Metadata management,” in talk Open Forum, Hochschule fur Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf, INSIGHT OUT 2008, 2007
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Digital TV production & metadata,” in talk (invited keynote) Fraunhofer, Darmstadt, Germany: Workshop for Future Challanges for Media Management and Monitoring, 2005 http://www.igd.fraunhofer.de/igd-a7/mir2005/.
  • Artur Lugmayr, “From ambient media towards biomedia,” in talk (invited) Tampere: MindTrek Conference 2006, 2006 http://www.mindtrek.org.
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Ambient intelligence: from signal to practical multimedia application,” in talk (invited) EESTEC Workshop, 2006
  • Artur Lugmayr, “Between artistic film making & the “technical IT”,” in talk (invited) Babelsberg, Germany: Hochschule fur Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf, INSIGHT OUT 2008, 2008

Founder and Organiser of Large Scale Conferences, Events, and Series

  • 2008-2014, Founder and General Chair of the Conference Series “Academic MindTrek Conference”, in-cooperated with ACM, Tampere, Finland (general chair & founder)
  • 2010, 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video (EuroITV’10), Tampere, Finland, www.euroitv2010.org (general chair)
  • 2008, 6th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video (EuroITV’08), Salzburg, Austria, http://conference.icts.sbg.ac.at/www.euroitv2008.org/ (conference co-chair)
  • 2008, 1st Academic MindTrek Conference, “Entertainment and Media in the Ubiquitous Era”, ACM MindTrek, Tampere, Finland, www.mindtrek.org (general chair)
  • 2009-, Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) workshop series, indexed by Scopus, www.ambientmediaassociation.org (general chair & founder)
  • 2009-2013, Interactive Digital TV in Emerging Economies workshop series, EuroITV’09-’13 (workshop co-chair)
  • 2011-2012, International Workshop on (Re)Creating Lively Cities Through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture and Gastronomic Experiences (workshop chair)
  • 2008-2014, 1st-8th Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Award, Tampere, Finland, www.mindtrek.orgwww.numa.fi (general chair & founder)
  • 2010-2013, EuroITV Grand Challenge, 2010 (Tampere, Finland, www.euroitv2010.org), 2011 (Lisbon, Portugal, www.euroitv2011.org), 2012 (Berlin, Germany, www.euroitv2012.org), 2013 (Milano, Italy) (co-chair & founder)

Founder and Organiser of Workshop Series

  • 2009-2014, Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME) workshop series, general chair and founder, http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org
    • Estefania Serral Asensio, Thomas Risse, Artur Lugmayr, Bjoern Stockleben, and Emilija Stojmenova, 6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2014): Ambient Media Usability, Interaction, and Smart Media Technologies, in conjunction with the NordiCHI’14, http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameanew/same2014, 26th-30th October 2014, Helsinki, Finland , 2014
    • Artur Lugmayr, Estefania Serral Asensio, Bjoern Stockleben, Thomas Risse, and Bogdan Pogorelc, 6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME 2013) – Defining the Research Agenda for Information Management and Systems Supporting Sustainable Communities with Smart Media and Automated Systems, in conjunction with C&T 2013, Munich, Germany, 2013, http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/SAME2013 (workshop chair)
    • A. Lugmayr, T. Risse, B. Stockleben, J. Kaario, B. Pogorelc, and E. Serral-Asenio, 5th International Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME) Workshop: Unobtrusive Semantic Ambient Media Beyond the Screen and Pixels, 18th June-22nd June 2012, in conjunction with Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, UK, www.ambientmediaassociation.org (workshop chair and founder)
    • A. Lugmayr, T. Risse, B. Stockleben, J. Kaario, B. Pogorelc, and E. Serral-Asenio, Workshop Chair and Founder, 4th International Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME) 2011 Workshop, 29th June-2nd July 2011, in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Brisbane, Australia, www.ambientmediaassociation.org
    • A. Lugmayr, T. Risse, B. Stockleben, J. Kaario, K. Laurila, Workshop Chair, SAME 2009 – 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences, in Conjunction with the 3rd European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI09), 18th Nov.-21st Nov. 2009, Salzburg, Austria, http://webhotel2.tut.fi/emmi/forum/node/55
    • A. Lugmayr, T. Risse, B. Stockleben, J. Kaario, and K. Laurila, „Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2008), in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2008, October 31, Vancouver, Canada, 2008 (workshop organizer)
  • 2009-2013, Workshop on Interactive Digital TV in Emerging Economies, workshop series, workshop chair
    • Vicente Lucena, Artur Lugmayr, Arpan Pal, and Zhiwen Yu, 4th EuroITV 2013 Workshop on Interactive Digital TV in Emergent Economies – Thinking Outside the “TV” Box, in conjunction with EuroITV 2013, Como, Italy, 2013, http://www.ufam-automation.net/idtvee4/ (workshop chair)
    • V. Ferreira de Lucena Jr., A. Lugmayr, Arpan Pal, Zhiwen Yu, 3rd Euro ITV Workshop on Interactive Digital TV in Emergent Economies, in conjunction with EuroITV 2012, Berlin, Germany, 4th July, 2012, www.euroitv2012.org (workshop co-chair)
    • V. Ferreira de Lucena Jr., Z. Yu, and A. Lugmayr, 2nd Euro ITV Workshop on Interactive Digital TV in Emergent Economies, in conjunction with EuroITV 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
      29th June, 2011, www.euroitv2011.org (workshop co-chair)
  • 2012-2013, International Workshop on (Re)Creating Lively Cities Through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture and Gastronomic Experiences
    • Artur Lugmayr, Jaz Hee-jeong Choi and Kirralie Houghton, 2nd International Workshop on (Re)Creating Lively Cities Through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture and Gastronomic Experiences, in conjunction with INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013, http://www.interact2013.org/Workshops/2nd-International-Workshop-on-(Re)Creating-Lively (workshop chair)
    • A. Lugmayr, Jaz Hee-Jeong Choi, and Kirralie Houghton, 1st International Workshop on (Re)Creating Lively Cities through Ambient Technologies: Arts, Culture, and Gastronomic Experiences, 9th-13th July 2012, in conjunction with ICME 2012, Melbourne, Australia, www.icme2012.org (workshop chair and founder)
  • 2013-2014, International Workshop on Management Information Systems (MIS) in Multimedia Art, Education, Entertainment, and Culture
    • Artur Lugmayr, Matevz Pogacnik, Emilija Stojmenova, International Workshop on Information Systems & Management in Multimedia, Art, Education, Entertainment and Culture, in conjunction with the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/mis-media2014, 14th-18th July 2014, Chengdu, China (workshop chair)
    • Artur Lugmayr and Emilija Stojmenova, Defining a European Research Agenda on Information Systems in eMedia Industries – MIS-AGENDA@eMedia, in conjunction with eBled 2013, Bled, Slovenia, 2013, http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/mis-emedia2013 (workshop chair)
    • Artur Lugmayr, Tassilo Pellegrini, and Emilija Stojemnova, MIS-MEDIA 2013 – 1st Workshop on Management Information Systems (MIS) in Multimedia Art, Education, Entertainment, and Culture, in conjunction with ICME 2013, San Jose, USA, 2013, http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/mis-media2013 (workshop chair)

Organizer and Co-Organizer of Workshops and Conference Tracks

  • ACM Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CHI), Smart Cities for Better Living with HCI and UX (SEACHI 2016), San Jose, 2016 (workshop co-chair), https://chi2016.acm.org/
  • IT and IS in Media and Creativity Industry, Pacific-Asian Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2016 (Conference Track Chair), http://www.pacis2016.org/
  • Media Management Track, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2016 (Conference Track Co-Chair), http://www.ecis2016.eu/
  • Media Management Track, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2015 (Conference Track Co-Chair), http://www.ecis2015.eu/
  • Artur Lugmayr and Fethi Rabhi, International Workshop on Enterprise Applications, Markets, and Services in the Finance Industry, 12th December 2014, Sydney, Australia, 2014 http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/financecom2014 (workshop chair)
  • Carsten Röcker, Kai Kasugai, Daniela Plewe, Takashi Kiriyama and Artur Lugmayr, Workshop on Aesthetic Intelligence: Designing Smart and Beautiful Architectural Spaces (AXIS’12), in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI’12), 13th November 2012, Pisa, Italy, http://www.humtec.rwth-aachen.de/axi2012/ (workshop co-chair)
  • Andreas Holzinger, Artur Lugmayr, Marilyn Sue Bogner, SECUSAB Workshop in the context of the 4th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS 2009), 16th-19th March 2009, Fukuoka, Japan http://www.ares-conference.eu (workshop co-chair)
  • G. Lekakos, A. Lugmayr, and A. Sigouras, “Interactive Television Commerce and Advertising”, workshop in conjunction with the European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2008, July 2nd, Salzburg, Austria, www.euroitv2008.org, 2008 (workshop organizer)
  • L. Ardissono, and A. Lugmayr, European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2007, May 23-25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, http://www.cwi.nl/events/2007/euroitv2007/, 2007 (workshop chair)
  • A. Lugmayr, and K. Chorianopoulos, “The future of Television: Is it Ambient Entertainment?”, invited workshop in conjunction with the European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2007, May 24, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007 (workshop chair)
  • 1st Workshop on Ubiquitous Media Entertainment Technology, in conjunction with the MindTrek 2007 conference, Tampere, Finland, 2nd October, www.mindtrek.org, 2007 (workshop chair)
  • A. Lugmayr, “Ambient Media and Home Entertainment”, workshop in conjunction with the European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2006, May 25, Athens, Greece, 2006 (workshop chair)

Conference Tutorials

  • A. Lugmayr. Ambient Media Computation – A Service and Business Level Perspective, ICME 2012, Melbourne, Australia, 9th-13th July 2012, http://www.icme2012.org/
  • Stefan Pham, George Lekakos, Artur Lugmayr, Andre Paul, Paolo Cremonesi, Lyn Pemberton, Regina Bernhaupt, David Geerts, and Pablo Cesar, Foundations of Interactive Multimedia Content Consumption, EuroITV2012, Berlin, Germany, 4th July 2012, http://www.euroitv2012.org (not present)
  • A. Lugmayr. Digital Games – their Production, Management, Consumer Market, and Business Models, Fun and Games 2010, Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 15th -17th 2010, http://fng2010.org/
  • A. Lugmayr (2009). HCI in the Era of Ambient Media – And beyond 2009 INTERACT Tutorial. Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2009: 938-939 (not held)
  • A. Lugmayr. Ambient Intelligent Media. EUSIPCO 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008, http://www.eurasip.org/Proceedings/Eusipco/Eusipco2008/tutorials.html
  • A. Lugmayr, “Ambient media and beyond,” in conference tutorial (2h) Silicon Valley, California, USA: 1st International Conference on Designing Interactive User Experiences for TV and Video (uxTV) 2008, 2006 http://www.uxtv2008.org.
  • A. Lugmayr, “Ambient (intelligent) media and beyond,” in conference tutorial (half-day) Salzburg, Austria: European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2008, 2008 http://www.euroitv2008.org.
  • A. Lugmayr, “Modern Techniques in Professional Film & TV Productions,” in conference tutorial (half-day) Amsterdam, Netherlands: European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2007, 2007
  • A. Lugmayr, “Metdata in digital TV,” in conference tutorial (half-day) Athens, Greece: European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV) 2006, 2006 http://www.euroitv2006.org.
  • A. Lugmayr, “Ambient Media and Beyond (Tutorial),” in conference tutorial (full-day) Oulu, Finland: 6th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiqutious Media (MUM) 2007, 2007 http://www.mum2007.oulu.fi/.
  • A. Lugmayr, “Television in the age of IPTV, High Definition (HD), and fully digital asset management,” in conference tutorial (full day) Christchurch, New Zealand: Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC) 2007, 2007 http://atnac2007.massey.ac.nz/Tutorials.htm.

Program Committee

Member of Board/Review/Committees of Journals or Publishers

  • Special Issue on Contemporary Social Media Topics in Business and Public Organizations, International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing (IJSHC), Hannu Kerkainen, Helja Franssila, Artur Lugmayr (edts), reviewerhttp://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=225, 2012
  • Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier, http://ees.elsevier.com/tele/reviewer, 2011
  • Multiple Sensorial Media Advances and Applications: New Developments in MulSeMedia,Dr. George Ghinea (Brunel University), Dr. Frederic Andres (CVCE/NII), and Dr. Stephen Gulliver (University of Reading) (eds.), IGI Global, editorial advisory boardhttp://www.igi-global.com/book/multiple-sensorial-media-advances-applications/50515, 2012
  • Ubiquitous Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and Implementations, Susmit Bagchi (eds), IGI Global, editorial advisory board, 2010
  • Special issue from AmI 2009, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 2009
  • Special issue on “Advanced Intelligent Multimedia Applications for Next Generation Environments”, Jong Hyuk Park, Hamid R. Arabnia, Zhiwen Yu (eds.), Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer-Verlag, reviewer, 2009
  • Special Issue on Pervasive Technologies and Assistive Environments: Social Impact, Financial, Government and Privacy Issues, Grammati Pantziou (edts.), Universal Access in the Information Society Journal (UAIS Springer), Springer-Verlag, reviewerhttp://www.springer.com/computer/hci/journal/10209, 2009
  • Special issue on “Towards a semantic infrastructure for context-aware eLearning”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer-Verlag, reviewer, 2009
  • INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa 2nd-3rd Sept., 2013, http://www.interact2013.org/ (program committee)
  • International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2013, San Jose, USA, 15th July-19th July 2013, http://www.icme2013.org/, (program committee)
  • 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) 2013, Zhangjiajie, China, 13th Nov.-15th Nov. 2013, http://trust.csu.edu.cn/conference/hpcc2013/ (program committee)
  • The International Journal on Media Management, http://www.mediajournal.org/reviewer, 2011-
  • International Journal of Computer Science & Emerging Technologies (IJCSET), I. Khan, and N. Aslam (edts.), editorial boardhttp://ijcset.excelingtech.co.uk/, 2010-
  • Ambient Systems, Silvia Gabrielli, and Tiziana Catarci (eds. in chief), ICST Transactions, editorial boardhttp://icst.org/ambient-systems/, 2009-
  • International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), Kevin Curran (eds.), international editorial advisory board, 2009-, www.igi-global.com/ijaci
  • Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer-Verlag, Vincenzo Loia (edt.), reviewerhttp://www.springer.com/engineering/journal/12652, 2009-
  • International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), Shiguo Lian and Frank Y. shih (eds.), editorial board, Inder Science Publishers, 2009-, http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalCODE=ijmis
  • International Journal of U- and E- Service, Science, and Technology, Jianhua Ma (eds.), editorial board, SERSC Press, http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJUNESST/, 2008-
  • International Journal on Media Management, Bozena I. Mierzejewska, Dan Shaver (eds.), reviewerhttp://www.mediajournal.org/, 2012-
  • ETRI Journal, http://etrij.etri.re.kr/reviewer, 2007-
  • Special Issue on Contemporary Social Media Topics in Business and Public Organizations, International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing (IJSHC), Hannu Kerkainen, Helja Franssila, Artur Lugmayr (edts), reviewerhttp://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=225, 2012
  • Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier, http://ees.elsevier.com/tele/reviewer, 2011
  • Multiple Sensorial Media Advances and Applications: New Developments in MulSeMedia,Dr. George Ghinea (Brunel University), Dr. Frederic Andres (CVCE/NII), and Dr. Stephen Gulliver (University of Reading) (eds.), IGI Global, editorial advisory boardhttp://www.igi-global.com/book/multiple-sensorial-media-advances-applications/50515, 2012